Each dish tells a family story, a journey through the centuries of culinary traditions of tthe Dal Pozzo family. Prepare yourself to a unique gastronomic experience that celebrates the past and present with taste and refinement.
From the favorite dish of Ottone Visconti, Archbishop of Milan in 1100, we move on to the Boccone del Principe, a tribute to the distinguished guests welcomed by Carlo Emanuele Dal Pozzo, Count of Reano and Prince of the Cisterna (1789-1864), to arrive
at the profiteroles of Zia Gigia, the favorite dessert of Marchesa Luigia Monticelli degli
Obizzi, better known as Aunt Gigia, wife of Alberto Visconti d’Aragona (1811-1885).
Immerse yourself in this journey through the centuries of taste and tradition. You will find these dishes marked within the proposals of the large menu with the structure’s logo